Ин Тайм Пощенски паричен превод

The “Postal money order” service of IN TIME Ltd. provides you with the opportunity to send and receive money on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Description Fee
At an access point of IN TIME Ltd., the Sender submits a cash amount and orders electronically or in a written form the full amount to be paid in cash to the Recipient without any deduction. 2.4% of the value of the money order plus BGN 7.20.


All prices in the tariff include Value Added Tax.

Deadlines for payment of postal money orders:

  • For settlements with an office of IN TIME – 1 (one) business day.
  • For settlements without an IN TIME office – according to the service schedule, but not more than 3 (three) business days.

The Postal money order service is performed in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the contract with the users of postal money orders provided by IN TIME OOD, which users can get acquainted with in each office of IN TIME, where they are displayed and accessible place and on the website of IN TIME at the following addresses –  www.intime.bg and www.city-express.bg, where the General Terms and Conditions are published in electronic form.

This tariff comes into force as of 15.09. 2020.


*Maximum amounts of postal money order


  • For payment of a postal money order in cash, at the recipient’s address – up to BGN 1,000.
  • For payment of Postal money order in cash, in an IN TIME office – up to BGN 5,000.


List of access points in the postal network of “IN TIME” Ltd., where the postal money order service is offered

Location Address
1. Sofia 41 Nedelcho Bonchev Str
2. Varna 281 Vladislav Varnenchik Blvd.
3. Varna 2 Slaveykov Square
4. Burgas 94 A Industrialna Street, Pobeda Industrial Zone
5. Pazardzhik 10 A Tsar Samuil Str., Petrakov Business Center – ground floor
6. Blagoevgrad 28 St. Cyril and Methodius Blvd.
7. Pleven 24 Kara Kolyo Street
8. Stara Zagora 112 Patriarch Evtimiy Blvd.
9. Plovdiv 11 Kuklensko Shosse Blvd.
10. Ruse 14 Petar Beron Str., Ground floor
11. Veliko Tarnovo 75 Nikola Gabrovski Str., Western Industrial Zone
12. Pernik 118 Sofiysko Shosse Str
13. Gabrovo 8 Hristo Botev Str
14. Haskovo 26 A Dunav Street
15. Montana 216 A Third Blvd.
16. Kardzhali 1 Republikanska Street
17. Shumen 80 Tsar Ivan Alexander Street

You will find the tariff for making postal money orders here.


Power of attorney for submitting a postal money order from an authorized person – download here

Power of attorney for payment of Postal money order to an authorized person – download here



When you submit a postal money order, we collect identification data, such as three names, PIN (government issued Personal Identification Number) or PNF (government issued Personal Number of Foreigner) for individuals, as well as identification data of an authorized person. You provide the data in person upon submission of a postal money order.


To receive a postal money order, a government issued identity document is required. In case you are receiver of a postal money order, your data is already provided by the Sender and by you for reference upon receipt of the postal money order.


You can find more information in our Information Policy for Personal Data Protection

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