What is “Cash on Delivery (COD)”?
A non-document shipment is delivered to the receiver against payment of an amount determined by the shipper.
The amount collected for one shipment may not exceed BGN 5,000. Upon refund (payment) of the amount of the cash on delivery payment to the shipper in cash at the address, the limit is BGN 1,000.
The bank account of the shipper is a must for the payment of the collected COD amount by bank transfer.
Payment of the collected cash on delivery amount can be made with the Postal money order service , in compliance with the General Terms and Conditions of the contract with the users of postal money orders, provided by IN TIME LTD . In this case, only the fee for the COD service is due.
The cash on delivery amount is refunded (paid) within three business days from its collection from the receiver. The day of collection of the COD is not considered when calculating the refund period.
1.2% of the collected amount, but not less than BGN 1.20 for the money paid by bank transfer
or 2.4% of the collected amount, but not less than BGN 2.40 for the money paid in cash.