Use Adult Signature Required to prevent minors from accepting deliveries of goods for legal or other reasons. This may apply to alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, but also to goods that you prefer an adult to receive.

UPS will provide you with proof of delivery in your choice of these options (where available):

  • Delivery Confirmation: UPS will provide confirmation of delivery without the recipient’s signature. Note: Similar information is available when you track your package online.
  • Signature Required: UPS will obtain the recipient’s signature and provide you with a printed copy. You may also view the recipient’s signature online.
  • Adult Signature Required: UPS will obtain the adult recipient’s signature and provide you with a printed copy. You may also view the adult recipient’s signature online.

Note:Adult recipients must have reached the legal age of adulthood in the receiving country. Higher age limits may apply where the legal age of adulthood is less than 21 years of age.

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